More than 200 installed plants
4-stufige US Anlage
Once again a not everyday Construction. In this biogas plant, a crane was specially organized because it had to go through the roof of the pump room. As a reward for the hard work, there was a nice view on the ride.
3-stufige US Anlage
Fütterung: Mais 24 % Getreide GPS 55 % Getreideschrot 10 % Rindergülle separiert 12 %
2-stufige US Anlage
Mais | 57 % |
Festmist | 20 % |
HTK | 11 % |
Grassilage | 7 % |
Lischkolbensilage | 4 % |

3-stufige US Anlage
Mais | 57 % |
Grassilage | 4 % |
Rindermist | 33 % |
Zuckerrüben | 6 % |

570 kW biogas plant in Bavaria
Aim was the maximum use of the rated power.
The digester load could be increased, the rated power increases by 20 %.

716 kW Bioenergiedorf Jühnde
The aim was increasing of the efficiency of the biogas plant.
An independent laboratory verified an increase of the methane gas production of the treated samples in comparison to the untreated ones of 15,7%.